Over the course of the past few days I've been thinking a lot about love and I'm not just talking the love as in what Kate and Prince William are experiencing I mean love in general. So many times the word love just gets thrown around. But what in the world does it truly mean? Looking for something to listen to earlier I found this song which I think says it perfect:
"It's in the eyes of the children
As they leave for the very first time
And it's in the heart of the soldier
As he takes a bullet on the front line
It's in the face of a mother
As she takes the force of a blow
And it's in the hands of the father yeah
As he works his fingers to the bone yeah
I'm standing under a white flag oh
Can you see me oh, can you see me oh
I'm standing for everything we have oh
Can you hear me oh, can you hear me
This is why we do it this is worth the pain
This is why we bow down and get back up again
This is where the heart lies, this is from above
Love is this, this is love
Love is why we do it love is worth the pain
Love is why we fall down, get back up again
Love is where the heart lies love is from above
Love is this, this is love
This is love (x3)
It's in the soul of a city
What it does after it crumbles and burns
And it's in the blood of a hero
To know where he goes he may never return yeah
I'm standing under a white flag oh
Can you see me oh, can you see me oooh
I'm standing for everything we have oh
Can you hear me oh, can you hear me
This is why we do it this is worth the pain
This is why we bow down, get back up again
This is where the heart lies this is from above
Love is this, this is love
Love is why we do it love is worth the pain
Love is why we fall down, get back up again
Love is where the heart lies love is from above
Love is this, this is love
This is love, this is love...
If you could be anywhere that you wanted to be
With anyone that you wanted to be with
Do anything that you wanted to do
What would it be and who would it be with you
Time flies but you're the pilot
It moves real fast but you're the driver
You may crash and burn sometimes
This is why we do it this is worth the pain
This is where we bow down get back up again
This is where the heart lies this is from above
Love is this, this is love
Love is why we do it, love is worth the pain
Love is why we fall down get back up again
Love is where the heart lies love is from above
Love is this, this is love"
- The Script (great band btw)
Let's be honest tho. I'm one of those hopeless romantics.. According to Urban Dictionary I'm this... This person is in love with love.They believe in fairy tales and love.They're not to be confused as stalkers or creepy because that's not what a hopeless romantic is.
Sounds about right.. I'm in love with love. And guess what I'm okay with that. (Lesson # 45 love what/who you love.)Who isn't obsessed with the Royal Wedding which btw I would probably be watching if it didn't start at 4am and I didn't have a final the next day. I also love a lot of other things some to name a few..family, friends, small simple gestures, food. What is it that you love?
And P.s. I love Sex and the City..." Thanks for the ride Prince Charming"- Carrie Bradshaw
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
My love's the ivy, my love's forget-me-nots, my love's the silver and bordeaux
So this post is going to be a little different from my usual ones. Tonight ended the Greek Week events for this year. Tonight was one of the biggest events called lip synch. For those of you who don't know lip synch is basically a routine that usually has a theme that your lip singing to. This event was put on by our St.Jude board. Together we raised a ton of money. Get it AU. Tonight was a little scary. Going in, our chapter was the first to perform, which is always nerve wrecking. But we kicked butt. So did all the other chapters. Although Greek Week has been a stressful time I have learned a few things.
1. Sisters are forever. (whether blood or sorority)
(Here's a picture of my 2 sisters, that I love Oh so much we have had so many memories and although we fight I would NEVER EVER not want you in my life. You have helped me through a lot and I love you for that. Where's the moon? ;) )
2. There will be someone there to pick you up when your down.
Here's a link to our fabulous performance! I am proud of each and everyone of my sisters, whether they were on stage on in the crowd. We rocked it..Who are we??....ALPHA PHI (I'm just a bill... yeah that was me waving and holding a sign) Tonight has made me realize that I have created friendships that will last a life time.
Alpha Phi Epsilon Alpha lip synch2011
AOE and in me
1. Sisters are forever. (whether blood or sorority)

2. There will be someone there to pick you up when your down.
Here's a link to our fabulous performance! I am proud of each and everyone of my sisters, whether they were on stage on in the crowd. We rocked it..Who are we??....ALPHA PHI (I'm just a bill... yeah that was me waving and holding a sign) Tonight has made me realize that I have created friendships that will last a life time.
Alpha Phi Epsilon Alpha lip synch2011
AOE and in me
Friday, April 15, 2011
Did you know that a carrot has a core?
So bored and once again being the college kid that I am I am in the middle of procrastinating. So I thought what the heck why not blog? So here is my attempt at procrastinating and letting you all know some random info.
1.) Did you know a carrot has a core?
I had no idea I learned this last night at dinner. Lesson #17 you learn something new everyday. Let's be honest, I also googled it. It turns out its true although the core can be hard to find there is one. I also found out that a baby carrot really isn't a baby carrot.
2.) Nature's way into tricking people into reproducing...LOVE
- That is the definition that Urban dictionary has given me. Makes sense if your cynical about love. I don't know why this has been on my mind lately. Love letters have been filling the brain. I was in class the other day and my friend was telling me how her and her boyfriend were close to their two years of being together. She told me that she was writing 737 ( I think this adds up to specifically how many days they have or will be together)things that she loves about him and is then going to give it to him. I looked at her with this blank stare on my face, and then she showed me the pages filled with all the little things he has done that she loves. She was up to 500 something, by the time we were done with that class.. she had hit 600. I find this absolutely adorable. Lesson # 36 It's the little things that count.
3.) True life: Home is where the heart is
- While away at college I realize there are somethings that I miss. Home cooked food, someone to help me whenever I needed it, volleyball, musicals. I mention the first two because they are obvious I mention the next two because...volleyball we will get there in a second.. musicals well my high school is putting on there musical this weekend. Grease. My favorite. I was always involved in the musicals when I was in high school and I absolutely loved it and miss it.
4.) The thing I haven't played for two years...volleyball
- This past week started the event called Greek Week! This is where all Greek sororities and fraternities compete against each other for fun. The other night a sister text me asking if I would go to the rec to help them practice. In the 20 mins that I played I realized two things.. 1. I miss working out working out, yes i walk 3x per week for 30-45 mins but I miss physically working out. It felt good to play volleyball something that at one time I never thought I would miss. I wish I could get motivated to do more physical exercise. 2. As the weeks have gone on I have become closer to some of my sisters. I'm glad to know that although I'm away from home I can have someone there for me to act crazy with or someone to just have a heart to heart with. In this thinking I'm glad I have gone Greek. Hottie Totties!
1.) Did you know a carrot has a core?
I had no idea I learned this last night at dinner. Lesson #17 you learn something new everyday. Let's be honest, I also googled it. It turns out its true although the core can be hard to find there is one. I also found out that a baby carrot really isn't a baby carrot.
2.) Nature's way into tricking people into reproducing...LOVE
- That is the definition that Urban dictionary has given me. Makes sense if your cynical about love. I don't know why this has been on my mind lately. Love letters have been filling the brain. I was in class the other day and my friend was telling me how her and her boyfriend were close to their two years of being together. She told me that she was writing 737 ( I think this adds up to specifically how many days they have or will be together)things that she loves about him and is then going to give it to him. I looked at her with this blank stare on my face, and then she showed me the pages filled with all the little things he has done that she loves. She was up to 500 something, by the time we were done with that class.. she had hit 600. I find this absolutely adorable. Lesson # 36 It's the little things that count.
3.) True life: Home is where the heart is
- While away at college I realize there are somethings that I miss. Home cooked food, someone to help me whenever I needed it, volleyball, musicals. I mention the first two because they are obvious I mention the next two because...volleyball we will get there in a second.. musicals well my high school is putting on there musical this weekend. Grease. My favorite. I was always involved in the musicals when I was in high school and I absolutely loved it and miss it.
4.) The thing I haven't played for two years...volleyball
- This past week started the event called Greek Week! This is where all Greek sororities and fraternities compete against each other for fun. The other night a sister text me asking if I would go to the rec to help them practice. In the 20 mins that I played I realized two things.. 1. I miss working out working out, yes i walk 3x per week for 30-45 mins but I miss physically working out. It felt good to play volleyball something that at one time I never thought I would miss. I wish I could get motivated to do more physical exercise. 2. As the weeks have gone on I have become closer to some of my sisters. I'm glad to know that although I'm away from home I can have someone there for me to act crazy with or someone to just have a heart to heart with. In this thinking I'm glad I have gone Greek. Hottie Totties!
(Here is a picture from our philanthropy event Red Dress Gala)
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Things Happen for one reason or another
Here I am, your typical college student procrastinating.. It's not that I have much to do right at this minute tho and actually I was procrastinating in a way that wasn't Facebook or any other computer distraction. Here I am, knowing summer is right around the corner, cleaning my desk drawer out. Fun right?! hahaha just kidding not so much. So I'm cleaning it out and come across two things a picture and a handwritten note. The picture appeared and I had forgotten it wasn't hanging on the wall until that minute. In the chaos of the past couple of weeks I sat it on my desk because it had fallen down and ended up sticking it in the drawer to keep it from not getting damaged. The picture obviously took me by surprise. Looking at it I noticed the people/person that was in it (one of those people being me obviously). It was a typical photo, summer, my hair was a hot mess, but I had this huge smile on my face. The other person in the picture seemed happy too. Moving into the back of my drawer I found some papers paper clipped together. Curious as to what was in this large stack I started going through the papers. And the first one I came across was a handwritten note. One that frankly I had forgotten was in there until I saw it. It too had a connection with the summer. Instantly memories came flooding back. I'm just throwing it out there that a handwritten note/letter has a lot of meaning and I think we can all agree its the best feeling in the world when you get one, especially if it says something like I love you.

After finding this note, I got to thinking how out of style writing real letters are. How no one does it anymore. I find it sad. Here's a lesson to all you men out there, want to be on your girls good side? Write her a letter. If she is a hopeless romantic like myself and any other girl I know she will love it.
Back to my original story tho, (sorry I got a little off topic) My point is that I think things happen for a reason. The picture and note popped out of no where. (Maybe it was the higher power above or maybe it was just a coincidence) either way I think it happened for a reason. A reason to remind me that people enter and exit our life all the time (I think I've gone over this lesson b4). I think this happened to not let me forget all the good memories associated with it. And now I think I'm to the point where I'm rambling so..
“I don't believe in email. I'm an old-fashioned girl. I prefer calling and hanging up.”- Carrie Bradshaw :)
Monday, April 11, 2011
Frolic Through a Field of Flowers
Ever feel like you take one step forward and then somehow you end up being two steps behind where you originally were? I think its something that happens to everyone. Unfortunately, for some I think it happens more frequently to certain people then others. Where exactly to begin.. I guess its like a board game(let's go with... monopoly) when you hit the do not pass go do not collect $200 dollars space. I guess at one point it has to happen to all of us. And your probably asking yourself what can I do if this happens to me? I'd love to say use a get out of Jail free card, however lesson (#???) In life we don't always come equipped with those cards. Here's one of the hardest things for most people to do in these situations...are you ready for this one?...Sometimes the answer is to do (ready?...) Absolutely nothing.Thats right, sometimes you have sit back and let time pass. Time can be a great thing but it can also be evil. There are just some things no matter how hard you try that need time. And guess what. It is completely OKAY. Let it be. (speaking words of wisdom, let it be...Sorry I'm in a whimsical mood) When you stumble upon this situation here is my advice to you.
-Take some r & r and hangout with the people who bring out the BEST in you..or go frolic in a field of flowers ( caution this one should probably be done by yourself, frolicking could cause you more trouble.) My point is take that time that seems to be the greater evil and find yourself. Because if you lost yourself in the process of taking more steps back then forward it can be an amazing thing when you stumble upon it again.
And of course to end this piece
“So many roads. So many detours. So many choices. So many mistakes.”- Carrie Bradshaw
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Forever Young
It has been a while since I've made a new post. The truth is I have had no idea what to write about, then it hit me. After watching Tangled, The Princess and the Frog, and Toy Story 3...I realized what had been on my mind a lot lately. Growing up. We all do it, we really don't have a choice when it comes down to it. But lets face it, growing up is hard to do. Who doesn't like the thought of someone being there for you to make you feel better when your sick, to cook you a meal, to protect you, to simply ask you how you are feeling. Some people grow up too fast never taking time to enjoy a simple experience. Whats more funny is how when we are young, all we want to do is grow up and be "an adult" and then when that time comes all we want is to be young again, to relive certain moments and to have someone there for us every minute of everyday (or close to it). Thinking more on this I realize I miss the normal-ness of things, I miss being a kid. When you grow up you have to pay bills, have a career to pay for those bills which means a higher education, actually work at a relationship(s), and say hello to this big girl world (or big boy world, I won't discriminate.) Lesson #13 as you say hello to this world be prepared for a wide variety of replies. Another thing to remember, is although we are all growing up take a minute to enjoy a peaceful moment or to think about a childhood memory.
Growing up gets complicated and sometimes you have to just take a minute and relax.
So if growing up becomes more then you can handle... think of things that take you back and stay forever young.
Heres some of the things that I loved when I was younger:
- Playing hide and go seek into what felt like the wee hours of the night(found this on Google)
- Watching shows like Kenan and Kel, All That, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, and all the other little kids shows at that time including Barney
- Popsicles ( I still love them to this day)
- Playing outside all day and being dirty, but not carrying
- Barbies (I had millions)
- Reading
- Disney
- And so much more
"When you're young, your whole life is about the pursuit of fun. Then, you grow up and learn to be cautious. You could break a bone or a heart. You look before you leap and sometimes you don't leap at all because there's not always someone there to catch you. And in life, there's no safety net."
-Carrie Bradshaw
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Eat Pray Love a fabulous movie. Finally finishing it today, something was said that stuck out to me. "I thank God for fear." Instantly I thought, "That's a weird thing to thank the higher order above for." Fear. Why would someone be happy about fear?.. We all have fears of something. Fear of a spider, fear of the future, fear of being alone, fear of dying. Why in the world would someone want this? Because truth be told, if we didn't have fear in our lives, we wouldn't worry. We definitely wouldn't have as many problems as we do. Thinking some more, I realized maybe fear is what keeps us grounded at times. Maybe fear is not such a terrible thing that we make it out to be. Fear is what keeps up at night it's what keeps us alive. Thinking more about fears, I thought about one of mine. Losing something that I don't want to lose, something that I love. It is fear that makes me constantly worry about this and truth be told fear that has pushed me to thinking I already lost this. Lesson #10 Life's a game and you win parts and you lose parts, either way you have to continue playing. Although my fear frightens me, it makes me.. me. Without this fear would I not be the stronger person that I am today? Was it not that fear that pushed me into certain situations and that fear that left me battered and bruised at times? (I realize this sentence sounds very dark, and thats not what I'm going for). I guess my point is that fear can be good because fear makes us..us. It shapes us into who we have become and although that can be scary the ugly truth is its life. True you may over come a fear but once you get rid of that one, there always seems to be another one to take its place. You have to take the bad(or what seems to be bad) and make it good, no matter what the situation.
And yes I always add with the great Carrie Bradshaw but tonight I decided a quote from the movie would do just fine... Ketut : "Do not look at the world through your head; look at it through your heart."
Friday, April 1, 2011
The Girl Who has Yet to LIVE
Day number 3, I believe I have become an addict....to writing that is. I promised a blog all about me and since its past midnight, i'm bored and currently have 27 minutes until my laundry is done here it goes. The girl who has yet to live.. My name is..Frances. I hate my name but it makes me, me. (How many Frankie's do you know?) I have come to terms that when I'm old my name will be in style and I will love it.( Come on...did you think I was not going to throw at least one lesson in here some where...Love who you are and surround yourself with the people who love you for you) I love my family and friends old and new. They mean the world to me. One day I will go to Italy. It will happen and although it may be a terribly long flight I believe a girl or guy for that matter should see the world there is a lot to see.Mi piacerebbe visitare qui ed essere in grado di parlare la lingua italiana.. Meaning I would love to visit here and be able to speak the Italian language. If you know me you would know I would drop everything or anything to go there and so its decided I must go there at least once.
And because I'm tired of writing about myself in this way i decided just to make a story for the heck of it.
There once was a girl who had yet to fully live.
She was in college and learning plenty of lessons as she was studying to become a teacher. She was learning that family and friends are something that are valuable and something that needs to be held on too with the tightest grasp. She was learning that relationships of all sorts were hard.She was having a hard time telling people what she meant and what she wanted. So here's what she wants.... a career, doing what she wants. A happy ending full of a family of her own, she wanted this sooner then later but found a lesson that some people must wait for that happy ending. She wants to tell the people she cares about that she cares about them a lot but again is struggling to find the right words. This girl wants to travel, to places in the U.S. to foreign countries like Italy and France, She dreams big. And here is the last lesson from the girl who has yet to fully live... Follow your heart, do what you think is best, and dream big. Know that the Ugly Truth of this may mean people may become annoyed of you and may push you away or try to keep you down, but you must push through when times get tough. Because here is another lesson times will get tough. But you should not worry because they will get better. And as the early morning approaches the girl who has yet to fully live has decided bed is calling her name and the dryer just went off so she must get her clothes. So she must get going, but blogging again seems to be in the near future.
And of course..“When real people fall down in life, they get right back up and keep walking.”-Carrie Bradshaw
And because I'm tired of writing about myself in this way i decided just to make a story for the heck of it.
There once was a girl who had yet to fully live.
She was in college and learning plenty of lessons as she was studying to become a teacher. She was learning that family and friends are something that are valuable and something that needs to be held on too with the tightest grasp. She was learning that relationships of all sorts were hard.She was having a hard time telling people what she meant and what she wanted. So here's what she wants.... a career, doing what she wants. A happy ending full of a family of her own, she wanted this sooner then later but found a lesson that some people must wait for that happy ending. She wants to tell the people she cares about that she cares about them a lot but again is struggling to find the right words. This girl wants to travel, to places in the U.S. to foreign countries like Italy and France, She dreams big. And here is the last lesson from the girl who has yet to fully live... Follow your heart, do what you think is best, and dream big. Know that the Ugly Truth of this may mean people may become annoyed of you and may push you away or try to keep you down, but you must push through when times get tough. Because here is another lesson times will get tough. But you should not worry because they will get better. And as the early morning approaches the girl who has yet to fully live has decided bed is calling her name and the dryer just went off so she must get her clothes. So she must get going, but blogging again seems to be in the near future.
And of course..“When real people fall down in life, they get right back up and keep walking.”-Carrie Bradshaw
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