Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Taking back my more pessimistic post from earlier today...heres a new one. I tend to have a tendency to over react every once in awhile. I guess what  it comes down to is a lot of the people who are close to me don't realize how much the little things in life mean to me. I've learned in the past year that you can't always get what you want. I have learned that you must go with the flow sometimes and not ask questions. What people tend to forget is sometimes the little things mean a whole lot more then the big, or what seem to be glamorous portions of life. I get frustrated when people who say they will hangout cancel at the very last second every time it's planned due to some "excuse" I understand that things come up but to cancel all the time when your supposed to be there. I don't appreciate it. I get frustrated with how certain words are now thrown around. If you say something meaningful mean it and stick by it. If you don't mean it thats fine, but don't say it. I understand todays world is not pretty and people are struggling. Crap happens. LIFE HAPPENS. Here's a thought.. take a small amount of time to praise someone or say something to make someone feel good (& mean it of course). Some people don't get enough of that and it's sad. Compliments make people feel good, an acknowledgement such as a smile make people feel good. Life happens but while it happens you should take the small things that come with it and be grateful for them.  The small things matter. Atleast they do to me, if you're my friend and reading this here's something. I appreciate you being in my life. You have impacted my life in some way and it has made me me and I appreciate that.

‎"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." 
— Marilyn Monroe

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