Procrastinating is what I do best lately. After studying all day, my brain is fried. I told myself I would not post this post until it was the end-until it was Wednesday. However sitting in my friends room chillin I've decided why not. By the end I mean the end of my first year of college being done. What a crazy roller coaster ride this has been. Finishing my first year of college I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. This year has flown by and I can only image what the next three years will be like. I'm one step closer to big girl world. But I figure when that time comes I will embrace it with one big smile on my face and shout "Hhhheeeellllooooo world!" So since my first year is done there are many things I have learned along the way.
1. You can't always get what you want. - This was shown through me day in and day out from the beginning of the semester. Example one: I missed the Dean's list by.1, yes for me being the grade oriented person I am, it sucked and still does but the Dean's list is not the most important thing in life.
2. You will run into those "oh its you" type of people-I realize this sounds very uhm how do I put this... judgmental. But in college or this stage in your life you see peoples true colors and sometimes they are not so pretty. We all have ran into someone like this.
3. You will learn new language and meet new people. This is a given and I think it explains its self. Here's some new words that have some new meanings to me: Bucky (can be used in the form of bucking or bucked? hahah), Dump (Ex. They were being such a dump!), legit (yeah that's legit), trust (Do you trust that food?). And all of these words have come from some amazing people I have met.
4. Time changes-Time is something that can be a great thing and a hidden evil. Within time changing so do people, places, things that seemed so familiar. Unfortunately times will keep changing and we don't know exactly what they will hold. This may be one of the most important things I learned--When this happens the best thing to do sometimes is go with the flow. Don't ask questions.
I have no idea what tomorrow will hold or the next day after that...I do know that time's are changing. This is evident because of last nights event of Osama being dead. TEAM USA. No one knows what the future holds but thats okay take time to enjoy the little things in life.
And because I haven't ended with a quote in a while here is one not from Carrie Bradshaw but from Sex And the City of course.
“I can’t color enough, I would color all day every day If I had my way, I would use every crayon in my box.” - Samantha