Absolutely love this one!!! |
So since my last post was unlegit because the internet pooped in the middle of the post, then I couldn't remember everything I had to say, here's a legit post on what seems to be on my mind a lot lately. Tattoos. I've never really been a fan of them, I've always thought why in the world would you do that to yourself? Then here I find myself thinking I want one. Of course my thought of having one isn't one thats small it's one that could honestly be quite large. I find myself wanting one that goes up my side. EEKK! When I think about it, I find it to be a logical place on my side-going to be a teacher..can be hidden. The inner girl in me shrieks "don't do it, don't! PAIN PAIN PAIN" and yet I don't know if it's my age but I find another part of myself screaming "You only live once." So thinking more about this I brought the topic up to my mom, I laughed as I asked her because I was expecting the "don't do that, it will hurt," logical talk that mothers give. Instead her reply was "That would be cute, and you could hide it easily." Which not gonna lie kinda made me want it all the more. So as I sit and ponder and will probably still be pondering the idea a year from now I'm pretty sure if I ever get it the Ugly Truth will be beauty is pain. hahaha So the ? is what to do.
This neat but not for me too big |
Do it! I have 3 and I want a 4th. And I really like that pic on the top because I want to do a tree with cherry blossoms :)