Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ain't sunshine..

For the past couple of days my pessimistic side has been reappearing. When someone you love walks out of your life its never an easy thing or a good feeling. From my last post it was clear that someone in my life has taken that step and all I could think was they are completely gone. This person has said that they want to still be friends but my problem "lies"(fear) in going from lover to friend. I was mad and angry at this person and I have been taking personal stabs at them with things I knew would upset them. Unfortunately, I got the stabs right back. I'm not saying what I did was by any means right because it wasn't I realize I acted kinda like a bully in this situation. I apologize to that person for acting immature in a situation that maybe they were trying to make easier? However I know there are things that happened that should make the roles reverse. I've learned a lot from this and maybe the not so Ugly truth is that when someone walks out of your life or part way out it only makes you stronger. Lately I've learned that things happen for a reason and although the reason may not be clear it will become that way. I've also learned that people change and this is a big one. They may change in ways you see and ways you can't exactly see. Don't put the blinders on, listen and really watch what they are saying. And all my blogger friends enough about my situation I stumbled upon this and loved it, if this doesn't make you smile I don't know what will

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