(I will admit I took this off FB but i got right off
and didn't bother looking in my news feed) |
Hello blogging world we meet again. And that could become more frequent in at least these next two days. With everything going on I decided it be best to take a few days away from Facebook, to hold true to this I need to find something to keep my attention. I'm not sure if it's because of the things going on that while reflecting this weekend I see symbolism in everything I do or if its just fate. So let's recap. I'll finally just say it.. a relationship is finally over and it's not easy for me, I don't know what exactly to think or feel. It was big, one day maybe I'll share the relationship with the blogging world because when it was good it was more then good. So last night bored out of my mind and trying to stay busy I text some friends and made plans. Hanging out with one friend turned into hanging out with two more. We went to the Relay For Life, took a few laps (somehow I spotted luminaries for my grandparents out of everyone), shared a few laughs, and gossiped of course and headed back to my friend's house. The plan was to play Just Dance and then my OSU Party friend brought out a game that she had played at school. It's called Quelf and can I just say BEST game ever. Now I don't really know how to explain this game other then you draw cards (there are like 5 different kinds with different categories) and you simply do what the card says..sounds boring but let me tell you I had to talk in a Darth Vader voice every time it was my friend's turn talking about the dark side, I did a belly dance. Had my hair messed up by all my friend's(of course they got to move spots if they messed it up), and had fun. Now this is my second encounter with symbolism this weekend because normally I wouldn't just let go like that and act crazy, I mean I have fun with my friends all the time but i never act this crazy. It's safe to say I had fun.
After getting home after 2 am I was pooped and yet I don't think I slept at all last night I was up at 6:30 and laid there going over everything that had happened the past few days..the past two years. And I cried. Like a baby actually. The past couple of days I've been urged not to cry and I've been holding it back a lot. This is why my first Ugly Truth comes that crying may look ugly and sound it (we all know that uuuuhhhh sound and shiver your body gets when you're trying to stop crying but you can't because you're crying so hard.) but it's totally ok and human to do. So after laying in bed crying for what seemed like a very long time I decided I needed to get up and do something. I got up, put some shorts on, grabbed my old ipod with old music I had from before this relationship and headed to the reservoir. It looked like it was going to storm but it was nice and breezy and i needed out. In a way I guess it did storm because while I was there I think I let out every emotion that I had been feeling the past few days. You name it I probably felt it. And so in a way it did rain. While running/ walking a few things happened.
1. Every single person I passed while running or walking, said hello or good morning even if they had music in, which made my day.
2. Every song seemed to have some form of symbolism. Here's what played:
a. Dangerous- Akon. (Seemed so fitting for this girl who started out walking/running the reservoir with a mission)
b.All Around me-Flyleaf (Need I explain this)
c. All over you-Spill Canvas
d.Almost lover-Fine Frenzy
3. I even felt fear and running from it. At one point I passed a flock of Geese. They were hissing. I ran like the wind enough said.
4. When I got into my car I heard this song...
"Love Don't Run"-Steve Holy
This is gonna hurt, this is gonna hurt like hell
This is gonna damn near kill me, sometimes the truth aint easy
I know that you’re scared of telling me something
I don’t wanna hear, but baby believe that
I’m not leaving, you couldn’t give me one good reason
yeah and after that I bawled and then Somewhere with You came on by Kenny Chesney. I don't exactly know what all of this means I'm still confused and still hurt(another Ugly truth) but I know that in the end it will be ok, if it's not ok it's not the end. I am refusing to accept anything less for myself